Code Tasks

Improve your skills with our coding challenges. Try to solve the problems

HTML Challenge

Create a webpage that displays your favorite quote in a styled container with a background image.

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CSS Challenge

Design a layout with a header, sidebar, and content area using CSS Grid or Flexbox.

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JavaScript Challenge

Build a to-do list app that lets users add and remove tasks dynamically with JavaScript.

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Responsive Design Challenge

Create a webpage that is fully responsive and looks great on mobile, tablet, and desktop.

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CSS Animation Challenge

Create an animated button that changes color and has a hover effect using CSS animations.

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JavaScript Calculator Challenge

Build a basic calculator that performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

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Form Validation Challenge

Create a form with input fields and validate the input using JavaScript (e.g., required fields, email format).

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JSON Parsing Challenge

Write a JavaScript function that parses JSON data and displays it on a webpage.

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